Open The Gate
Breaking down Sacramento Real Estate: Our Favorite People, Places and Mindsets
Open The Gate
Ep. 26.1: Techology-1 Dan-O
Let's go.
Speaker 1:Hi Dan, hello Kaylee, how are you today? I'm freaking, fantastic, yeah, freaking fantastic.
Speaker 2:You're pinche fantastic according to your hat. I'm pinche fantastic.
Speaker 1:Thank you for knowing what that means.
Speaker 2:by the way, Kaylee's got a pinche Mexico, I love you. Hat on and it's making me all warm and fuzzy.
Speaker 1:Man, I was in.
Speaker 2:Mexico for Thanksgiving last year and now I'm feeling. Like you need to go back. The beer just tastes better in Mexico.
Speaker 1:You should see the smiles that come on when people read this, and they actually know what it means.
Speaker 2:I mean it's hard not to. It's hard not to.
Speaker 1:I know it brings me joy.
Speaker 2:That's why I wear it Absolutely, yeah, okay, well, so we have got a super cool guest. But real quick, before we get into that, how's that bun? Quick catch up, how's that bun?
Speaker 1:cooking, he's cooking. Actually, fun milestone. This week was the first week that I got to feel a move.
Speaker 2:Now I feel a move like crazy.
Speaker 1:And pregnancy is so funny because I was like sitting alone at the kitchen table crying because I'm just like feeling him and I'm, wow, who, who is this emotional sap? And then I sent a video out to all my friends. I'm like I'm just crying by myself Cause I'm like saying his name and he's kicking and it was so cool.
Speaker 2:So anyway, these things happen, you know.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Probably going to feel a few more emotions.
Speaker 1:So many things. Rage is the number one.
Speaker 2:Okay, so I know More emotions over the next few months.
Speaker 1:Rage is the number one.
Speaker 2:Okay, so just as long as you don't bring that here, we're good.
Speaker 1:Like no, this is a rage-free environment. Yeah, my wife gets most of that. Yeah, sorry, lucky, danny, sorry, and you, kaylee, just they're crushing your team. Like give us an update.
Speaker 2:They are on a heck of a run. So we did we did? We did end up losing the section championship, which sucked and that kind of hurt, but we were, um automatically qualified for open division norcal playoffs. Yeah, um, the loss made us the number eight seed, so we were actually eight of eight, so we had to go to maroon to play the number one seed uh school called branson, a private school school in Marin, and we went in there and we whooped their asses.
Speaker 1:So this is like a true underdog comeback story A little bit, yeah.
Speaker 2:I mean we're a talented group. So we're actually in the final four for NorCal, so we're technically in the final eight for the state of California the open division. We are one of two public schools left in the entire open division playoff. So, and actually all three of the other schools in Northern California are from the same league down in the peninsula, so Marin, san Jose and and the Bay area down there.
Speaker 1:Way to hold it down for NorCal.
Speaker 2:So yeah, so we're going down to. We're going down to San Jose tomorrow, hopefully coming home with another win and two more wins, and then we get to go to uh SoCal to play for the state championship. So fingers crossed keep us in your thoughts and your prayers and uh, so yeah, that's us in a nutshell. That's been my life for the last, uh, three months, but it kind of accelerated. It's, it's dominated a lot of my head space for the last couple of weeks.
Speaker 1:It's so fun, it's so fun, it's so fun yeah.
Speaker 2:It's so fun, it's the intensity and you just forget how awesome high school sports really really are. I mean, they're a blast, so it's been really cool. Okay, enough about us.
Speaker 1:Yeah, let's dive in.
Speaker 2:Our guest today.
Speaker 1:I'm really excited.
Speaker 2:This is actually she's our first outside of you, kaylee. She's our first second-time guest on Open the Gate because she joined us at the Real Producers event for a kind of a mini pod and we've been trying to make the schedules work and get her back in. She is a massive top producing agent with Nick Sadek's Sotheby's Group and she's got a really, really cool story.
Speaker 1:So we are going to play her in and get this thing going. Oh, dan's technical difficulties. Are we connected again, dan See? Uh-oh, best part, hold on, keep talking, keep talking. I got to figure this out Every time. I totally forgot.
Speaker 2:I got a new phone and it's not. Great intro Dan, oh my goodness, we can start this.